Category Archives: Real Estate Investing

From NFL Superstar to Real Estate Millionaire – Dean Rogers and Jay Conner, Private Money Authority

“Using Private Money Is Essential To Get You In The Game Of Real Estate Business” – Dean Rogers Discover Dean Rogers’ The Wholesaling Playbook shows step-by-step proven systems and best practices that we are using in our active 7-Figure business. Dean began his career in the NFL with the San Diego Chargers. He soon realized…

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Can A Single Mom Find Financial Freedom? with Carly Mannino & Jay Conner

Carly Mannino is Jay Conner’s student, she took one of Jay’s courses and has had exceptional success. Tune in to hear how she raised a phenomenal amount of Private Money for her real estate investments! Carly hails from a little town called Lisbon, in the state of Ohio. There she graduated from Kent State University…

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Discover The Best REI Funding! with Derek Dombeck & Jay Conner

Derek Dombeck joins Jay Conner in today’s show to share his uncanny gift for problem-solving and negotiating. He enjoys using his gifts and knowledge to help people out, especially when they have nowhere else to turn. As a successful investor, Derek has surfed the ups and downs of the market since 2003. His expertise ranges…

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Building Wealth Through Real Estate Syndications with Aileen Prak & Jay Conner

Investing in real estate syndications has been the best vehicle for Aileen Prak to achieve her goals. In today’s episode, Jay Conner and his guest Aileen, talk about her commitment to sharing her knowledge with others to educate them on the remarkable advantages that investing in real estate syndications has to offer so that they…

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The World’s Most Unusual Deal! with Joe Myers & Jay Conner

Just like Jay Conner, Joe Myers loves to share his knowledge on investing that he’s learned over the last 12 years. He teaches several classes including how to do the bad title deals in NC and a dinner event where he teaches individuals with investment capital or retirement funds how to get a good rate…

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Real Estate Brings The Green! with Crystal Baker & Jay Conner

Crystal Baker, the owner of CGN Homebuyers, joins Jay Conner today to tell everyone how she was able to leave her full-time job, navigate and become successful in the world of real estate investing all because of Private Money. Crystal started investing in real estate all the way back in 1996. For years she was…

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How To Build Wealth and Freedom In Real Estate with Ryan Pineda & Jay Conner

In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Ryan Pineda joins Jay to share his mission of helping other people become wealthy without sacrificing everything. For Ryan, you don’t need to work 80 hours a week losing precious family time to build a better future. Your fitness, family, and faith should NEVER suffer…

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What’s Going On in California? with Nathaniel Getzels & Jay Conner

In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Nathaniel Getzels joins Jay to share his greatest secrets on how to use the newest and most outstanding marketing techniques that will help elevate your real estate business. Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels is a Top Ranking real estate professional in California and has run a group of…

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Massive Passive Cashflow! with Gary Wilson & Jay Conner

In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Gary Wilson joins Jay to share his secret on how was he able to complete over 100 real estate transactions per year consistently every year without a sales team or assistant, with virtually no marketing costs. Gary Wilson is the Founder/Owner of My Investment Services.…

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An Extra $30,000 Profit! with Eric & Erica Camardelle | REI with Jay Conner

Put your seat belts on because, in today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Jay has amazing guests. Eric Camardelle, also known as Banjo, is a former United States Marine. He started his investment experience by turning his first house into a rental and from there, his love for real estate continued to…

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